Friday, October 23, 2009

Three glasses for wine please..

Many of our customers come to us for glassware and ask "How many do I need?". A question Allison and I dread, because honestly, we don't know. I always end up going to Google and reading their recommendations. There are two options that come up most: One glass per person per hour and 3-4 glasses per person for the whole event. I personally think 3 glasses per person at the bar and that it never hurts to have a few sleeves of acrylic glasses to have as a back up.
The next thing people are unsure of it what style of glass to get. I would say if you are serving beer and wine only, wine glasses and some all purpose glasses would be fine. The all purpose will work fine for soda and beer. If the bar will be serving a full selection of wine, beer, and mixed drinks, I would go with wine glasses, rocks or high ball, and all purpose. If a signature drink is on the menu, make it stand out with a flute, martini, or stemless martini. The unusual shape and a subtle garnish will give it the "wow" factor.

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