Monday, May 24, 2010

New for 2010!!

The rental season has officially begun!!
Allison and I have all sorts of new things to tell you all about!

First, is our new rental consultant Luisa.
Luisa has worked here at Arrow for about 2 years now and since we renovated and brought the paper goods into the rental department she has been busy learning the products and computer system and is doing a greatEdit post job. And as an added bonus, she speaks Spanish to make ordering easy for all our non-English speaking customers.

Some other new things are:

Our new Fiesta High Peak tents!! Available in 20x20 and 20x40!!

The Tidewater tent!! Available in 44'x63' Perfect for a wedding of 100-120 people!

16oz Cobalt All purpose glass Rental Price $.65 each

Natural wood Folding Chairs $4 each

12" Triangle Plates $.75 each

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